Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage,rage, against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.
And the fire that burns in Cassia doesn't allow the submission it would take to go gently. This book is a beautiful discovery of learning to fight. Fighting for freedom of who to love, how to live, even how to die. She comes from a place where the government has founded a society of "perfection". But, Condie went about it in a very wonderful way. The sweetest purest moments and the deepest longing is played out in Matched so delicately written. Condie also has such a talent for giving so much emotion to her characters you feel so attatched to each of them by the end. The gravity of the absolute control really sneaks up on you and you find yourself fighting for Cassia to find freedom.
I loved this story and I loved the author. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants an easy read yet a beautiful story:)